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February 28, 2011
Meeting: Salem Licensing Board held Monday, February 28, 2011 at 6:00 pm in the third floor conference room, 120 Washington Street. Present were members: Robert St. Pierre, chairman, members Rick Lee and John Casey, Investigator for the Board, Lt. Ouellette and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk.
Approved: Application for One Day Liquor License: Applicant: Salem Main Streets. Present: Jennifer Bell.

Ms. Bell said that she is here to have the Farmers Market approved again this year from June 16 through December 15th on Thursdays from 2-8pm.

She said it will be just as it was last year.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve the Farmer’s Market to be held in Derby Square.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved: Application for an Entertainment License for the Farmers Market.  

Ms. Bell said that they would like to have background music performed by locals at the Market.

Mr. Casey asked if there were any problems with that last year with the condos near by.

Ms. Bell said not at all.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved: Application for an Entertainment License on the Fountain Stage for Salem Arts Assoc.

Ms. Bell said that she would like to have entertainment on that stage on June 3rd, 4th and 5th from 8am-8pm and starting and ending earlier on Sunday.  

Mr. Casey motioned to approve.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved: Application for a One Day Liquor License.

Ms. Bell said that on the opening night Friday, June 3rd, they would like to have an opening reception. She said there will be an art gallery inside of the mall. She said they will be serving beer and wine.

Mr. Casey asked if she called for a police detail.

Ms. Bell said she had.

Mr. Lee asked who would be serving the beer and wine.

Ms. Bell said usually it would be a local restaurant although she does not know who that will be yet. She also said this event is by invitation.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.
Approved: Application for One Day Liquor License. Applicant: Salem Athenaeum.

Present: Vicki Serriani.

Mr. Casey said that first off the LB is returning the two checks for the applications because they are a non-profit.

Ms. Serriani said there are two events and that she has booked a detail officer for both. She said the first one is on March 26 at the Athenaeum. She said they will be serving wine and two signature drinks.  She said they are expecting about 120 people and they have hired George McCabe to pour.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved: Ms. Serriani said that the second event will take place at Hamilton Hall on April 21 and will be a wine event for about 200 people.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve and waive the fees.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved: Application for One Day Liquor License. Applicant: Diane Manahan.

Ms. Manahan said that this is for the 4th Annual Spring Fling held at Old Town Hall. She said that wine and beer is served by distributers. She said the event will be held on April 2nd for about 4oo hundred people. She said there will be an art show and appetizers from local restaurants.

Mr. Casey asked if she had a detail officer for the event.

Ms. Manahan said not yet but that she would call.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved: Application for One Day Liquor License. Applicant: Rinus Oosthoek, Salem Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Oosthoek said that this is for the 4th Annual Film Festival. He said that the kick off is at the National Park Service Center. He swine and beer will be served.

Mr. St. Pierre asked who would be serving.

Mr. Oosthoek said the chamber staff would be pouring.

Mr. St, Pierre asked about a detail officer.

Mr. Oosthoek said that they did not need one because it is on Federal property.

Mr. Lee motioned to approve.

Mr. Casey seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved: Application for a Common Victualler’s License. Applicant: Lakay Island Restaurant. Present: Attorney Tom Fallon, Vladimar Lessage and Sarah Lessage.

Mr. Lessage said that he is opening where Asahi used to be in the mall and is offering a new menu of Caribbean flavors along with some American food. He said he hopes to bring in a new group of customers.

Mr. Casey asked what the status of the liquor license was there at this point.

Attorney Fallon said that unfortunately his client purchased this license from a trustee of bankruptcy and did not realize he was not buying the license straight out. He also thought the license was a full all alcohol license not beer and wine.    

Mr. Casey said that the Board would not be opposed to approving a Seasonal License for them.

Mr. Casey said the C/V is approved for now to get up and serving food then they can work on getting application together for a Seasonal License. He said that this important as this is a critical location in the City.

Mr. Casey asked what the hours were going to be.

Mr. Lessage said Mon-Sat from 11am-11pm and Sun 11am-7pm.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved: Entertainment License for Lakay Restaurant.

Mr. Lessage asked for 5 tv’s, 3 stereos, cd player and live musicians up to eight pieces.

Mr. Casey said that there would be some restrictions on the license which are that any speakers must be faces away from residential condos, doors must be kept closed in the establishment and the volume is not to be heard on the exterior of the business.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved: Application for Common Victualler’s License. Applicant: Joe Costanzo for Luciana’s Pizzeria at 400 Highland Ave, Suite #16.

Mr. Costanzo said this is where Anna’s Pizzeria used to be.

Mr. Casey asked him what the hours were going to be.

Mr. Costanzo said Mon-Sat from 11am-11pm and Sundays from 11am-7pm.

Mr. Lee said there has been a lot of turn over in that spot and hopes he does well.

Mr. Costanzo said he has many years experience in running and owning restaurants and said he owns a place up in New Hampshire now.

Mr. Casey said that there is still some paperwork that needs to be complete so that the approval will be conditioned upon that.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.        

Approved: Entertainment license for Luciana’s Pizzeria.

Mr. Costanzo requested television and a radio during the hours of operation.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved: Application for a Common Victualler’s License. Applicant: Edward Infantino for Daily Bagel at Church Street.

Mr. Casey asked if he was there now.

Mr. Infantino said they are open under the current ownership but he is not there yet. He said he plans to take over around April 1st.

Mr. Casey said that the approval would also be contingent upon the rest of his paperwork being submitted to Ms. Pagliaro. He also asked what the operating hours would be.

Mr. Infantino said that the hours would ne 7 days from 8am-4pm.

Mr. Casey motioned to approve.

Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.
Discussion: The Back Lobster. –NO SHOW-

The Board asked Ms. Pagliaro to call Mr. Kastrinakis in for a Hearing at the next meeting on March 22.

Discussion: JER Ventures d/b/a Lafayette Grill. Present: Attorney Michael van Dam for James E. Rogers, licensee.

Attorney Van Dam said that the last time he was here was almost a year ago and then his client was getting ready to open. He said that since then there has been some litigation on this license and just when they thought it was worked out a lawsuit was filed against Rhino Corp, one of the old license owners. He said this whole thing has been very complicated. He said that once this is all settled his client is ready to write a check to get this going. He said that there is an upcoming meeting in Norfolk County Court soon and that should give an idea of where things stand. He said after that meeting everyone should know more. He said he really don’t have much else to the Board other than the Hearing is next week.

Mr. Casey asked him to send a very detailed letter into the Board after the Hearing next week to keep everyone aware of what is happening. He asked if there has been any money exchanged between his client and Mr. Moya yet.

Attorney Van Dam said only the $10,000 deposit which is being held in escrow by Mr. Mihos who is the attorney for Mr. Moya. He also said that the ABCC is entirely aware of what is happening.

Mr. Lee suggested that Attorney Van Dam come back to the March meeting to discuss this again with the Board. He said that way the Board can say that the license is in progress if asked.

Attorney Van Dam asked if could be held off until the April meeting incase a restraining order is placed at the meeting.

Discussion: The Exchange on Congress. Present: Andrew Corben, Manager and Joe Costanzo.

Mr. Corben said that he and Mr. Constanzo have entered into an agreement and Mr. Costanzo is going to be filing for a transfer of the liquor license.

Mr. Casey said that as Manager of a liquor establishment he has to be on premise 40 hours a week. He asked how he would do that while running the pizza parlor as well.

Mr. Corben said that Mr. Costanzos daughter is Tips certified.

Mr. Costanzo said that he has many years in the restaurant experience and currently has a beer and wine license at his other restaurant. He said he will run a Bertucci’s style restaurant but with a full menu.

Mr. Casey said that the Board would not transfer the license if it was just a pizza place.

Mr. Casey said that once all the paperwork is filled out they could see Ms. Pagliaro. He said the Board may hold off on the entertainment for a while because of the past issues.

Mr. St. Pierre said no entertainment for now.

Mr. Corben said that he would like to reopen in the next two to three weeks with Mr. Costanzo to spend some transition time with him.

Mr. Casey asked why they could not do that while they were closed.

Mr. St. Pierre asked who would be managing.

Mr. Corben said that he would operate as the license is now with him as the manager and Mr. Costanzo there to see how things are run.

Lt. Ouellette said that the new guy deserves some break and that the past problems were not his fault.

Mr. Casey said the LB needs a menu and a date as to when they will open.

Mr. Corben said around March 2oth.

Lt. Ouellette said he did not have a problem with background dinner music.

Mr. Lee motioned to reinstate the license with no entertainment other than background dinner music.

Mr. Casey said no music should be heard outside.

Mr. Casey seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Communications: NONE

Old/NewBusiness: NONE   

Approved: Meeting minutes from February 14, 2011 meeting

Mr. Lee motioned to approve

Mr. Casey seconded.

Adjournment: Mr. Lee motioned to adjourn

Mr. Casey seconded. All in favor

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board
Submitted: March 3, 2011